No. 9560
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Like most people I've experienced strange things, voices calling my name and glimpses of a person in shadows or corners etc. The kind of stuff you just chalk up to the unpredictable spasms of the human mind, synthesizing things that aren't there from the static. However, I have had one experience in particular that defies explanation. To give you some context, around age 13 my grandfather died. While I knew who he was he wasn't much more to me than an old man who comically large amounts of wasabi and pissed himself occasionally. So, I thought nothing of cursing his name and generally being obscene with a ouija board in the darkened loft of a barn on our family farm. After doing this for a few minutes by candlelight, the stereotypical gust of chilly, cold wind comes despite being indoors. The candle is blown out, and there is a moment of absolute silence and darkness save the moon-lit lone column of smoke spiraling from the extinguished candle. Then all hell breaks loose. Cups are flung off the shelves, plates come crashing to the floor, papers are flying everywhere, in complete poltergeist fashion. Naturally I'm cowering in a corner holding a pillow in front of me while this happens for the ten or fifteen seconds before the room returns to normality. I was completely panicked, but I'm still certain there wasn't anything else in the room with me that could have caused shit to start flying around like it did. The whole place was in disarray. I calmed down for a few minutes before cleaning it up, and... that's it. There were no storms, no open windows, no pets, birds, animals, or really anything I can think of that would explain this away as coincidence. Other than "I don't know" I'm completely stumped by the whole event and honestly question my sanity. I've never told anyone about it either (and had them believe me at least), and I don't expect Tom to either, but I wouldn't type this out if it hadn't actually happened to me. Despite this I still consider all /x/ boards to be for the most part bullshit copypasta and fairy tales. I guess that would put me in the fascinated but only almost convinced category.