No. 1006
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>>1005 Is it so peculiar for one to feel lonely while attached? There are seven billion people walking this planet's surface. Just because one joins one hardly means a person suddenly feels a great abundance of sympathetic companionship. If anything, I suggest two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one. >>1004 I never learned how to society as a child. Or rather, I learned very early and very well and have summarily rejected many of the inherent principles required to, as some might say, "play the game." I understand why things are the way they are and why most folks behave the way they do but I disagree on a fundamental level that it need be so or that this is the best we as a species are capable of. In the year 2012 we still discriminate between sexes, races, creeds, sexualities, etc. It is, apparently, the business of the powers that be what I do and how I do it regardless of (lack of) harm to others. We are told what is fit to view, to read, to hear. Free speech is censored with abandon. Free thought is on the way out with insidious legislature proposed by lobbyists and passed by ignorant old white men. Ideas are property. Everyone's yelling as loud as they can and nobody's listening. I can't get behind it at all. I'm alienated from my sex because I'm not "bro" enough. I don't believe in slut shaming, that women are obligated to shave any more than a man, that meat is requisite at meals, that farts are hilarious, and whatever other propaganda we males have been told identifies us. I'm alienated from my race because I don't revel in being "at the top." I don't believe I'm inherently better than people of different colors. I'm alienated from my countrymen because I don't think we live up to our potential and have a lot to learn from the rest of the world. I feel alienated by a world that seems to insist on fighting when I pursue friendship. I feel alienated by a culture that requires dishonesty and deceit to make "progress." I'm alienated by those who confuse capital with progress. The world is sick. It's a big, big place and I can only fix so much of it alone. I'm quite aware I sound like the most bleeding heart leftist sort of worthless hippie, but I personally identify more as a science-minded conservative, if somewhat idealistic. I could be quite a bit more influential to the world if I chose to actively take part but by all reckoning it would cost my integrity to do so and that's a price I'm not willing to consider or discuss, much less pay. I meet people, I do my best to help people and improve my immediate environment and the lives of those around me but ultimately the path of the world isn't up to me, it's up to us. What few lives I can influence, I try to by quietly leading by example. The path we've chosen is diametrically opposed to my own and I don't participate in following. Quite simply, I feel alienated because I don't belong here. Even among my peers and interest groups, I'm the odd one out. If it must be so, I'm cool with that but it won't stop me from searching for anyone who might just see a future world like the one I do. In the meantime, I will walk like an elephant in the forest. tl;dr - I feel alienated because I'm a 25 year old psuedo-philosopher hippie who thinks he knows what's best for everybody else. Boo hoo, everyone sucks and everything's unfair.