No. 974
The guy who suggested avocados is on to a good thing. They're very fatty, but super good for you. I put avocado on sandwiches like a spread. The weight training suggestion was a good one, but do not do any weight training until you are eating more. Instead of blending milk, a banana and bread with a raw egg, why don't you get some protein powder and make yourself a shake that actually tastes good and then cook 2 or 3 eggs for breakfast every morning. Example day: Breakfast - 2 eggs, cooked however you prefer, a protein shake Mid-morning snack - some cheese and veggies Lunch - A chicken sandwich with lettuce, cheese, avocado, maybe even bacon, and a little unprocessed sea salt (because fuck table salt) Supper - A stirfry of veggies in the sauce of your choice with beef or chicken or pork or tofu or whatever, possibly served with rice or a rice/beans mixture. That is a day with literally oodles of protein, tons of veggies, and a lot of calories in general. If you're super skinny, you want protein and you want fat. Don't suddenly start eating huge portions, ease into it, but get to the point where you're making sure to eat ~2000 calories every day. Also, eat quinoa. You cook it the same way you do rice (2:1 water:grain ratio) and it has a shitload of quinoa. When it is finished cooking, mix in some kale and put the lid back on to let the kale steam for 10 minutes or so, then eat. Lots of protein, and it's delicious, especially with a little butter and some sea salt.