No. 1593
Well, I drink scotch. My favorite brands are Monkey Shoulder, Ballantines, and then Grants. I don't drink those often, because they are more expensive than Black Douglas, Bannister and Teachers, so I drink those. I used to drink beer but it wasn't getting me drunk enough, fast enough, it was making me burp, and it was making me fat. I drink scotch straight now, mixing with coke is kinda pointless, and I only care about getting drunk, not the taste or appearance so much. Some people have trouble drinking scotch straight at room temperature, the trick is that it only tastes shitty once; the first mouthful. What you've got to do is swirl that shit around in your mouth for 20-30 seconds like mouthwash or your stepdads cum, and then swallow. This'll numb your tongue and mouth a little, and each subsequent mouthful will be much easier to take. I love scotch. Scotchy scotchy scotch. Start out with an expensive scotch, not a cheap one. Give monkey shoulder a shot if you can find it.