No. 1532
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>>1489 In my experience in the USA, it seems like the only way to get a job is through knowing the right person. When I got hired at my current job, someone I went to school with posted on facebook something like "who wants a job." Of course, a dozen people we're like "me!" but I was the only person to walk in and awkwardly apply. They hired me on the spot because that person had a good relationship with the boss and with me. But wtf do I know? I've only had two jobs ever. I do know that my lonely old dad is still unemployed and I've helped him file hundreds of online applications, and that I've seen plenty of people walk in to where I work for an application and I've never seen them since. Just seems like companies want to "hire within the family," so to speak. Also charisma probably helps. Especially in an IT field full of awkward fucks.