No. 1480
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Hey mate, coincidentally I read something today because of my Research Proposal. I was reading "Toward a neurobiology of delusions" by Corlett et al. (2010). Download the article and check it yourself. One of their hypotheses at page 362, is this : "We have argued that delusions arise and are maintained due to aberrations of glutamatergic synaptic plasticity, specifically chronically elevated synaptic glutamate which renders inap-propriate salience and learning that engenders a limit on metaplasticity. Given its effectiveness against cocaine induced deficits in metaplasticity (Moussawi et al., 2009), we predict that N-acetylcysteine should be an effective treatment for delusions(!)." I googled the drug and apparently it also helps with bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia and you can buy it for like under 20 quid on your local pharmacy or on the Internet. It goes without saying that you should do your own research about this. Other stuff that can help are exercise(weights, cardio, yoga) as well as meditation. I am not talking about praying to Visnu (unless you are into it). Try and be mindful. Google secular meditation and don't buy any books there are tons of free stuff online. Also don't mix different styles of meditation after doing one for a couple of weeks, if you pick one stick with it. Also whatever you do, don't do any Taoistic bollocks where you imagine light orbs and shit. All these diseases (schizophrenia, OCD, clinical depression, ruminative thinking) have high co-morbidity (they, in many cases, occur together). So the last thing we want is you meditating on imaginary healing light orbs... Here's a bunch of scientific articles about meditation that explain the mechanisms, as well as other stuff, I posted in another chan. http://www.mediafire.com/?xwj7tn911b6axfy,c2880cez0vmvich,x2fg8x1j6d89d27,nl63ji4zaydpspq,1mbpu7wmnmsarc5,47ao7agke3c655y A couple of important points : A) I am NOT a doctor OR a clinical psychologist. I am however a Psychologist with an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience so although I know stuff, I do not know so much stuff about pharmacology and general clinical applications. Please take everything I say wth a grain of salt. Consult a professional if you truly are not at the subclinical level. Also experiment with the dosages starting extremely low, and google the drug by yourself. Never trust anyone on the Internet. B) Your uni if you are in the UK has a free line you can call which is called Nightline and it's fully confidential. Give them a call. C) This is a bro tip with no research whatsoever. Always try and stay between 14 % - 20 % bodyfat. That way if your eating is influenced either way since you are in the middle you will have some leeway if you know what I mean. D) http://www.reddit.com/r/suicidewatch Post here if you ever feel bad. This guy is usually pretty legit about supplements/food so keep an eye on this sight. He says fish oil is good essentially and you can get that either from fish or in capsules. http://examine.com/topics/Depression/ I will do my own search just in case. Hang in there bro and I am sorry for your mother.