No. 1457
I thought we had a drug board around here somewhere. Been a while since I came here... Matter of fact I'm on 100mg (I think) of adderall right now. And drinking coffee, cause I'm some kinda fiend. Stimulants aren't really my thing, usually, but they're good once in a while. Addictive drugs generally are best once in a while. Adderall just makes you feel like doing stuff. Anything, it doesn't matter what. Half the time I take a bunch of speed I'll just walk around my house talking to myself and/or masturbate until the blinding headache of watching porn for day forces me to stop. Weed is good for the comedown, obviously; it'll help you eat some food and sleep. So those are 5mg pills right? You should take some more, imho. I personally don't much care for snorting shit, but I've heard it's a great come-up. Coke is better for snorting, cause it makes you numb. If you want a fast come-up without sinus damage, just chew the shit up and chase it with fruit juice or something. Guarantee it'll hit you within twenty minutes.