No. 1372
If you want to feel smarter, read some youtube comments. 4srs, your ability to string together sentences and your desire to do so puts you in a higher class than most already. So, lets dispense with the idea that you are dumb. I know dumb people. Dumb people don't think they're dumb. They think that they know everything, even though they are basically always wrong. So, lets start there, with your self-awareness. That much is good. Now let's see if I understood what you are trying to say. So, first, you have difficulty communicating verbally. Okay, tagged that. Second, I get the feeling that you have a decent amount of specialized knowledge but feel you are lacking what seems like basic competency in whole fields. Is this accurate? Regarding point 1, you say you get out plenty. That's cool. Do you talk much? That is, do you often speak with friends or strangers, in formal (like a defined role i.e. you are an employee they are a customer,) or informal settings? To put it another way, when you're holding down a conversation, do you find it easier to communicate if you are playing a specific role in that conversation, or is the difficulty present regardless of circumstance? I probably should have asked this earlier, but how about some vitals? I would guess early/mid twenties and a history of light substance abuse, just based on you posing on 99ch. Developmentally, were you verbal at a young age, or did you take a while to catch up? When you say you should be able to pronounce a word, do you mean that you figure it out after you've mispronounced it, or that you try to pronounce it and you aren't able to? As to the 2nd thing, when you say your general knowledge is lacking, are you talking about trivia or basic proficiency, and are you talking pop or academic? Like, are we talking about naming three Van Gogh paintings off the top of your head or what key James Brown's "Sex Machine" is in? Or is it more like you don't know Hooke's Law or Avagadro's Number from Maslow's Heirachy of Needs? I know it's hard to point at what isn't there, but what kind of stuff do you feel you ought to know, but don't?