No. 1507
>>1506 CONTINUTED I guess what I am saying is fuck everyone. Here is what you do. Get some style. Be clean cut, wear a simmilar theme every day. Don't talk to people unless they talk to you, and if they do act busy but give them honesty. If you don't talk to talk say so. if you are interested ask questions and make eye contact with people. But be distant. That is the trick Everyone will see you as different. even if they don't realize it themselves. Simply make the conscious decision not to waste your time with bullshit. You really DONT have time. If you are only genuine and real to people, you ask questions and if you get asked answer them truthfully and, you listen and you don't put on the air of desperation people will open up to you casually as you open up casually to them. People might start tellintg you how they feel if you fell them how you feel about things. And I don't mean 'how you feel about current events the world ot obama" I mean if somebody asks you how you are and it's not the best day you say exactly that and nothing more unless they ask you. You'll get a reputation REAL quick for being different, you can either take this to a creepy place or a really sexy place. Creepy is when you try too hard. If you cultivate an attitude that you would like to see in people and make that how you interact with the world like minded people will find you non abrasive and refreshing. Since you don't cling to the outside of circles of people talking or try over and over again to hang out with 'cool' people,everyone else who is doing that will be attracted to you because you will seem to have it figured out. You will know the secret, and that secret is that you're the only person worth your time. If youre into girls they get off on the opposite attention that they normally get. If they are used to the role of lots of attention super hot popular commanding people around and having everyone always be tagging along then when you treat her like the normal ass person she is without anythign exceptionally interesting about her she will flip her shit and not understand and either try to prove you wrong to validate herself <usually by friendzoning you because most guys will think she wants to prove she is special by fucking and they as sopon as they want it and she knows it's friendzone because then she is the one choosing and therefore not ugly or boring or non special. So you don't let that happen and you either become a real person to her because you force her to chase you and then you are only honest and genuine, or option 3 she does not give a fuck about you and wouldn't either way so it doesn't matter I guess i'm saying the only way to be cool is to be cool. It's not about the clothes, or the style, or even the friends. Being cool might get you friends that end up being real people and cool for life. But better than that you avoid loser trash doucghebags that would use you and put you in uncomfortable positions while actually ridding yourself of the need to not by lonely. Nurture your loneliness, make it strong like goku's tail. Even if it never becomes a strength and you are always in pain and you can never truly escape the need for companionship, you can train yourself to function through that until you can find an alternate way to rid yourself of the pain. If you don't want a relationship develop a realtionship with yourself. Go on walks, take yourself out to meals, write a journal, talk to yourself, hug a pillow, cry and then rub your own back. Give yourself what you would get from somebody else. It's fucking wierd but it works. Talk to yourself in the third person to motivate yourself or to say things you know but need to process out verbally. Exercise. Get good at something and perfect it. I love you, anonymous for you are me. You will be fine angel, the person you are looking for is waiting for you and they arn't waiting in a group of people, they are waiting alone in their room like you are. You never know when you will meet them, so you have to be genuine so that when they meet you they actually meet you and not a facade you ahve put on for your 'friends'. Learn the art of conversation. It has it's own techniques and sytles. Learn how to ask a girl/guy out the right way. "I think you are pretty, I would like to take you out to specific activity on specific time on specific day. Will you come with me?". Stutter it out to some older women that will laugh at you and make you feel really bad about yourself so that when you do it to the pretty girl you have already experienced the adrenaline rush before. Whoops re fucking read your shit and you're on college? Same exact thing. people make a beeline from senior year to freshman year without growing up 1 fucking bit. Maybe you know how to do relationships and i'm an asshole and you just want friends. Matybe I got burned and i'm projecting and ranting. Maybe a lot of things. If you really want me to tell you how to make friends with their bullshit and double standards and cheating ways it's easy. Do activities. Join a card game group or a video game thing. Go to ananime convention. Go to a reddit meetup or a tech conference. So see an AA speaker. Bring a Frisbee to the beach and see if anybody will catch it. Buy a doggie and walk it in parks and on the sidewalk in the nice part of town and talk to whoever smiles. Not like stop and talk just become a regular. Go to a strip club! Join FetLife and hit up a munch! I already said OKCupid! Craigslist strictly platonic, post and reply! Go to an arcade! gO Go to a lan event! Go to a sporting game! Go hiking on a trail and be friendly to people you pass and walk slowly sdo people can pass you and meet you. Go to a mall and wear a shirt that says "talk to me" or even "talk to me about *topic*" join irc networks and meet poeplethat way! I know like 30 people that I consider close friends on 99cahn irc. Make something and put it in an art galley. Do tumblr or make a blog and post links to it on campus. Start a fucking campus group or join one. Pretend to be mute and speak only through a computer device like hawking until you break out into song one day. Do something, if you really want to meet people. You can do it. I'm fucking hideous and a monster and somehow I don't get burned at the state every time I go out in public so for you it should be all the more easier. You are comfortable with your identify, right? You know who you are? Man I am fucking going off, I ate some speed so I hope you got something out of this. Just be a tough motherfucker and as soon as you no longer need anythign it will come to you with ease you would be shocked by.