No. 1287
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Back when I was young, I wanted to prove to myself that I didn't need no comforts, and that I was a bad enough dude to endure the harshness of the floor for a few months.. believing that in that way 'the world would be my bed' LOL Spent several months at it. It was uncomfortable as fuck, but I endured and sailed forward. By the time my little experiment ended I went back to bed only to suffer massive back and neck pains after sleeping, so I went back to the floor. Jesus Christ what a relief. Fast forward 12 years later. Still in the floor. My 'bed' is one of them yoga mats that I cover with a blanket or two (depending on temperature), and use a tiny pillow to keep my head aligned with my spine (sideways). Every morning I feel younger than the day before. No need to 'snooze' for the last 10 years and I can easily spring into activity when needed. So yeah, the world is my bed