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Understand that she hides a lot about herself from you, and her romantic / sexual side is going to be concealed for a long time. If you really, really want to pursue her for such a miserable duration, then except that you two are friends. Get closer to her than anyone else, listen, and develop an honest friendship. You're either going to enter a serious relationship with her after a long period of time, or you will get absolutely nothing. That, or at best a drunken fuck coupled with regret and separation. You obviously ended up in the friend zone because you weren't meant to be in a relationship with her. Women can sense a man's intentions from a mile away. She knows if you're just being around her with a blind attempt to fuck her when she will let you. Be there for her, learn how to interact with women and how to think like a women from her. You may discover your feminine side from being close with her. If you don't let your friendship grow and expand (trust and communication are ESSENTIAL in relationships), you will never get anywhere with her. In the meantime, don't chase her endlessly. Don't consistently bank of being in a relationship with her. Assume you will never be with her. The large majority of men who end up in the friend zone stay there. Go after other women. Ask her for advice, tell her about your encounters, and MOST SPECIFICALLY: tell her details about your sexual experiences. As for fucking (if you have lost your virginity yet), aim yourself to be a fucking god in bed. Pump iron, work out, develop stamina. Learn to love sweating. Learn to be a man. Dedicate your life to improving yourself. You can't dedicate yourself to chasing a woman. You have to make yourself want yourself. Think about it. What do you have to offer her that nobody else can offer her? She's a woman. She is A WOMAN. I repeat. She is a woman. She can get a man so easily in our day in age. Why the fuck does she want you? If she doesn't want you, but you have those moments of "I swear she was being coy or turned on for a few seconds there!", make her fucking want you. Break the touch barrier over time. Start out by hugging her more often. Make conversations sexual. She won't run away and ditch you when you mention your penis, masturbating, fucking, or anything of the sort. My friend, the friend zone is purgatory - but the chest at the end are possibly rewarding. Possibly. This advice brought to you by a fellow anon who is also in the friend zone. I do not know if I will ever be with her. What can I say about my situation that may or may not benefit you? I have gradually, over time: Gotten drunk with her, talked sexually, broken the touch barrier (hugged, hand holding, cuddling), confided in her about what I haven't told anyone else, fallen in love with her and told her about it despite any fallout, developed an extremely emotional friendship that is deeper than any relationship I have ever had (including my family), lost my virginity to another girl through learning about women overtime through said friend, and overall matured greatly. Yes, you are in the friend zone. Does it suck? Only because other males tell you. What you have right there is a woman who loves you as a friend. You have the ability to learn about the opposite sex straight from the source. You can make your romantic life outside of your relationship with her exponentially better if you just learn to accept that YOU ARE FRIENDS AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FRIENDS (unless something else happens) You may end up dating her one day. Don't count on it. Try to move on bro. Let your love grow. Although, fuck my advice, because I'm riding this shit until I die. Even if I suffer eternal misery.