No. 1697
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Having recently moved from an area populated mostly by whites, Hispanics and Native Americans to a majority-black area, I can definitely confirm that this is a black people thing. I maybe saw two people EVER do this -both older white guys who sound like the dad of >>1096 and probably just don't get how phones work. Now, in my new town, I see it almost every day. Whether on the subway or walking around the mall or in a waiting room, young black people just love putting a goddamn phone in front of their face and broadcasting their entire conversation to everyone in the area. Of course, these are mostly the same black kids on the subway who wear their Beats headphones around their neck, blasting whatever stupid rap song they're currently listening to, probably fucking up their overpriced headset in the process. My theory: young black people are attention whores. They love the attention and don't care how boorish or annoying they come off. They just want everyone on the subway, in the mall, in the waiting room or wherever the fuck to know what they're talking about and who they're talking to. Call me a racist, but you can't deny it's true.